Thursday, 30 January 2014

Real Time 3D Physics Simulation Using Peace Engine

Real Time 3D Physics Simulation Using Peace Engine


The idea for using 3D or a Physics engine is to reduce the amount of time and lines of code. So you can write your application without implementing the low-level stuff yourself. You can write an application faster, because you can focus on the things specific to your application, rather than every tiny detail about how it's rendered, the physics.

PeaceEngine is written in C++ to optimize speed and performance. It has built-in physics (in the development stage) and integrated 3D graphics with hardware accelerator using OpenGL. PeaceEngine has a standard API for use with various computer programming languages, currently supporting PYTHON, VB.NET and C#.

This example shows how to create a 3D physics simulation and how easy it is to use PeaceEngine.
We will create a little dominoes tower and hit it with a bullet.

static int counter; //We will use it to count rendered frame for adding some liner interactive<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
static int objcount; // this will counter how much object we created so we can tell engine which the last object we just create
static void drop_object() //this function for droping object to user scene current we use it to shoot the bullet
    Random Random = new Random(); //create new instance of ramdom class use for generate randomize number
    int x; //this is optional this variable for receive value returning from engine it useful for debuging
    x = peSetObjPos(10.1f, -6.0f, 10.5f); //tell engine which position we want to create object in word space at X,Y,Z axis
    x = peSetObjRot(Random.Next(), Random.Next(), Random.Next(), Random.Next() * 360); //tell engine how much angle of object we want to rotate before create it at X,Y,Z and how much angle value as radiant
    x = peSetObjSize(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // how big of object relate to X,Y,Z axis
    x = peSetDensity(2.0f); //is it heavy? o.5 is default value 2.0(bullet) mean 4 time heavier than 0.5(domino) if the volume is equal
    x = peCreateObjEx(1); // now we create object here we tell engine what object type(shape) we want to create 0=box, 1 = sphere, 2 = capsule
    x = peAddForce(objcount, -100.0f, 0.1f, -100.0f); // tell engine that we want to add force to which object in this case we add to bullet(lastly added) and vector X,Y,Z of force we want object to move(in which direction) more force cause more directional velocity to the subject. 
    objcount +=  1; //we just created it so we will add 1 to our object counter

static void CreateTower() //Create domino tower. this function will call when initialize our scene
    int x;  //this is optional this variable for receive value returning from engine it useful for debuging. same as above
    int a ; // collumn of tower counter
    int k,j,i; // row of tower counters
    a = 0; //initialize it
    for (k=1;k<=7+1;k++)//        we want to create 7 row of domino tower. this for "|" shape of dominos
        for (i=1;i<=15+1;i++)//       we want to create 15 column of domino tower
            if (i == 15 + 1 - k * 1) // the higher of row have less column
                break;        //Exit For
             }//  End If
             if (i <= a)  // the higher of row have less column
                 x = peSetObjPos(((i * 0.5f) - 4.9f), -6f, (k * (0.75f)) - 0.45f); //the same as above. we want to create domino and set position related to i,k values. Y axis will be static so just leave it -6.0
                 x = peSetObjRot(0, 0, 0, 0);
                 x = peSetObjSize(0.15f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                 x = peCreateObjEx(0);
                 objcount += 1;
             }    //End If
         //Next i
         for (j=1;j<=15+1;j++)//       we want to create 15 column of domino tower. this for "--" shape of domino
             if (j == 14+1-k*1) // the higher of row have less column
             if (j<=a)
                 x = peSetObjPos(((j * 0.5f) - 4.65f), -6f, (k * (0.75f)) + 0.004f); //same as above
                 x = peSetObjRot(0, 0, 0, 0);
                 x = peSetObjSize(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.12f);
                 x = peCreateObjEx(0);
                 objcount += 1;
         }//Next j
         a ++; // add value to our counter
     }//Next k}

 void stepSim(int n)//use for step our simulation ahead
    for(int i =0;i<= n-1; i++)
        peSimulationStep(0); // if you want to pause simulation send 1 here.
static void MainLoop() // this function use for check frame progress and what we want to do
    counter ++;// adjust frame counter
    if (counter == 155)  // at 155th frame we will drop the bullet!!
    if (objcount == 20000)  // at 20000th frame we will end our physics lession!!
        peShutdown(); // the engine to terminate and good bye.

static void Main(string[] args)
    InitPeaceEngine(); //initialize engine
    peInitPhysics(); //initialize physics engine
    peCreateGround(); //need to create ground to prevent our object keep falling
    //peSetCameraPos(0.0f, 10.0f, 2.0f); //set cameraposition in word space at X,Y,Z axis
    peSetCameraLookAt(0, 0, 1.0f); // tell camera which point  in word space as X,Y,Z axis  to look at
    CreateTower(); //create domino tower
    while(! peIsShutdown()) //loop until we get shut down message from engine
        peBeginScene(); // tell engine that we want to begin scene. it need to call before draw something
        peDrawGround(); //draw ground

        MainLoop(); //call main loop
        peDrawObjs(); // tell engine we want to draw all objects that we just created

        peRender(); // tell engine to render (end scene)
        stepSim(2);  //call stepSim function more step more slow but more accuracy of simulation
    peShutdown(); // the engine to terminate and good bye.
What is happening is that after we initialize the engine by calling InitPeaceEngine(), the dominoes tower is created immediately when we call CreateTower(). Then the program goes to the main loop which we can add interactively here. We don't need to put CreateTower() in the main loop because we need to create it only once.

The frame passes and the counter ticks. We wait for 155 frames (~2 seconds on 75fps). Then drop_object() is called and the trigger shoots the bullet at our dominoes tower.

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